Art & Soul Art & Soul is a festival celebrating coexistence between Indigenous and Non-Indigenous people and cultures in Australia. The Festival will take place (in all states) between 1-13 September 1988 and is an initiative of ANTaR, Australians for Native Title and Reconciliation. . .Art & Soul welcomes the involvement of all artists, writers, performers, producers, singers, song writers, dancers, musicians, galleries and arts organisations. If you would like to become involved, contact the National Co-ordinator, Ilana Kaplin on (02) 9555-6138 or email
9th August 1998 
1.30 pm 
Rally for   
State Library,  
Swanston Street,  
(meet at 1pm at the GPO, Trades Hall, or State Parliament  
to join a group to march to the central rally)
-defend Native Title  
-no to racism, no to Hanson  
-no uranium mine at Jabiluka  
-The Coalition for Land Rights is an initiative of Stick With Wik, Wiked Women, Trade Unionists for Wik, Jabiluka Action Group and Port Phillip Citizens for Reconciliation. It has also been endorsed by a mass meeting of union delegates called by the Victorian Trades Hall Council on July 1, Clyde Holding MP, The NTE branch committee at Monash University, the CPSU delegates committee at the Dept of Veteran Affairs, Batman Defenders of Native Title (DONT), Wills DONT, Socialist Worker, Friends of the Earth, Democratic Socialist Party and Socialist Alternative. To add your endorsment or for more information, ring Gwynnyth Evans at the Victorian Trades Hall Council on (03) 9662-3511 
August 6th 1998 
the Aboriginal Independent Newspaper's First Birthday Celebration 
Perth Aboriginal Medical Service, 
156 Wittenoom St,  
East Perth
You are invited to come and help us celebrate the first 12 months of Aboriginal free media in WA. 
It will be a traditional gathering as a mark of respect for the newspaper which has been in existence for 12 months. 
Entertainment: Wadumbah Dance Troupe 
Bush Tucker provided 
RSVP July 21 
9355 1255
5 August 
Where we go from here 

Justice and Reconciliation  
in the wake of Hanson and the Wik deal. 

Paddington Town Hall 
Cnr Oatley and Oxford St 

Noel Pearson  
Director, Cape York Land Council  
Daryl Melham  
Shadow Minister for Aboriginal Affairs  
Alec Shand QC  
Native Title expert  
Zita Antonios  
Human Rights Commission  
John Maitland  
President of the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union  
admission by $5 donation. Organised by ESORA - Eastern Suburbs Organisation for Reconciling Australia - details  phone 9328-2060 
Check out the poster
5th August 
Victoria Square 
Racism is NO 'Solution'. Moving down King William Street to Elder Park, ending by 7pm.Carry a candle for a just and respectful community which Supports:  policies that provide quality of life for all: Native Title & Aboriginal Land Rights; non-racist and compassionate migration; a strong Racial Discrimination Act; Rejects:  divisive, racist 'solutions' to economic problems;  politics and policies which split Australia and divides us from each other. For a 'fair-go' community bring a candle, friends, the whole family, orange ribbon and balloon. Organised by: Celebrating Diversity Coalition - a coalition of Aboriginal, migrant, church, union and community organisations and concerned individuals.Gouger Street PO Box 10019, Adelaide SA 5000. Irene Gale AM, Secretary, Australian Peace Committee (South Australian Branch) Inc.11 South Terrace, Adelaide, S A 5000, Australia Ph: (+61-8) 8212 7138    Fax: (+61-8) 8364 2291
1st August  
Rally Against Racism 
Hyde Park  
March to First Fleet Park, Circular Quay  
Stop One Nation  
Stop Howard's Ten Point Plan  
Stop attacks on migrants  
Racism is no solution  
Speakers include: 
Michael Costa (Labor Council) 
Jenny Munro (Metropolitan Aboriginal Lands Council) 
Katie Young (Chinese Community) 
Quong Vo (Vietnamese Community) 
Vanessa Badham (NUS) 
Meredith Burgmann (MLA) 
Endorsed by NSW Labor Council, MUA Central NSW branch, Vietnamese Community in Australia (NSW), Indigenous Social Justice Association, Chinese Migrant Welfare Association, CPSU members from the ABS, National Union of Students, UTS Students' Association, Gay and Lesbian Anti-Violence Project, Socialist Worker, Left Alliance, Socialist Alternative, Democratic Socialist Party, Jabiluka Action Group. 
For more information, leaflets and posters call 9261 4862 or 92674462 or 
e-mail Michael Thomson
28 July 
Queensland Citizens RALLY Against Racism 
From Musgrave Park at 10am 
OR From King George Square at 12 noon To Parliament House
RALLY for a Fair and Just Parliament. Queensland Parliament is the institution of the people. Our Democracy requires that the Queensland Parliament be accountable and be committed to fair and just treatment of all poeple. The Queensland Parliament must not be used as a forum for bigots, or become an institution of racism, racial prejudice and racial vilification. The Queensland Parliament must demonstrate its willingness to be tolerant and understanding. The citizens of Queensland must ensure that their democratic parliament is the carrier of good governance. Authorised by Foundation for Aboriginal and Islander Research Action (FAIRA): Ph 3391 4677
July 27, 1998 
6.30 p.m
Everyone's Nation -  
Facing up to Australia's Multicultural Realities 
Social Science Lecture Theatre, UWA
Chaired by Ronald Wilson and will feature speakers from various sectors of the community including Indigenous and Ethnic Communities, Business, Aid Agencies, Religious Groups, Trade Unions and so on. There will also be a musical interlude or two. We are hoping that it will give people a chance to listen to a variety of people concerned about the rise of cultural fundamentalism in Australia and its attendant issues and will also give a chance for people there to raise their concerns and issues. Any questions regarding the forum can be directed through Martin Forsey

(all meetings held at the AIDS Council of NSW (ACON), 9 Commonwealth St, Surry Hills - near Museum Station- at 7pm)

the group has SUB COMMITTEES working on: The co-ordinator for this group can be PHONED  These meetings are (mostly) happening at Glebe Town Hall, call for info
administration, submissions & funding JEN  
9550 2725
January 21 design & construction of the Windmill JAM 
0412 217218
February 6 choreography & dancers GENEVIEVE 
9696 1951
February 22 walkers in the parade & fair day GINA 
9550 2725
February 27 the Goanna & truck SUEFISH 
9398 7672
February 28   
If you can't get through or don't know which group to help CALL 9550 2725 or send us a message
Post Parade BBQ 
Come and make merry on Sunday March 3 @ 3pm @ Bronte Beach. 
BYO everything
More about the group, what we are and why we're doing what we're doing