The full text of the 'Bringing them Home' Report about Australia's 'Stolen generation' is now available from the Reconciliation and Social Justice Library , which includes an array of both Government and Non-Government publications.  

The Library's web site also contains documents relating to The Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, the full text of the address to the press club by Pat Dodson and speeches by Camilla Cowley, a Queensland Pastoralist, and by Peter Wertheim, the President of the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies.  
You can also join a mailing list to be notified of new additions to the library.  

"Almost half of the Aboriginal people who died in custody and were investigated by the Black Deaths Royal Commission, had been removed from their families as children. This issue, the removal of children, will mean the school history books will have to be rewritten." 
Kirsten Garrett, Background Briefing,

'Bringing them Home' is also available from the Human Rights & Equal Opportunity Commission (HREOC) website along with facts about the Stolen Children Inquiry, information about 'Who spoke out at the time?' ("It is not true to say that people 'did not know'. People did know, but the warnings went unheeded") and Articles and Stories  

The site also contains a biography of former HREOC ATSI Social Justice Commissioner, Mick Dodson. 

Julie's story from 'Bringing Them Home: National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait  Islander Children from Their Families'
Canada's apology to their 'Stolen generation'
Proposed Second National Indigenous Australian Gay Men and Transgender Peoples Conference Proposed for Brisbane QLD in April 1998
Visit the complete Koori Centre Listing of Australian indigenous focussed sites.  
As part of its committment to the development of Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, the Koori Centre is offering an Internet Sponsorship Scheme to enable community organisations to develop a presence on the World WideWeb.
Aboriginal Studies WWW Virtual Library is a long established key central reference point. 

Another is Australian Aboriginal Information at VicNet which has a huge and searchable database. 

InfoKoori @ State Library of NSW. This database aims to provide an accurate index to information about the issues, people and events that affect the indigenous peoples of Australia.
xIndigiNet aims to facilitate access by Indigenous community organisations and individuals to the internet. To assist community organisations to maintain ownership of their cultural property and to maintain control over its selective transmission.
Face the Facts, Questions and Answers About Aboriginal People and Torres Strait Islanders. Produced by the Federal Race Discrimination Commissioner 1997. 
  • Nearly 1 in 10 (9%) Indigenous youth will not attend school or will leave school before the age of 14 (compared with 2% of non-Indigenous youth).
  • Less than half (49%) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander 15-19 year olds are attending school (compared with 90% of other youth).
  • Only one third (33%) of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students complete year 12 (compared with 77% of other students). 
  • Children with poor levels of education have difficulty in finding employment as they are uncompetitive in the job market. In rural or remote areas with a depressed economy, employment opportunities are already severely limited.

    The life expectancy for Aboriginal people is 15-20 years less than the general population. At any age, Aboriginal and Torres Strait 
    Islander people are more than twice as likely to die as are non-Indigenous people. For those aged 25 to 44, the risk is five times greater than the national average. 
  • By comparison with non-Indigenous people, a large proportion of Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islanders do not drink alcohol at all. Nationally, 32% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people do not drink alcohol compared with 16% of non-Indigenous people. 
  • Comparative studies of alcohol consumption by Indigenous people and non-Indigenous people conducted in rural and remote areas have shown that: 
  • Up to 35% of Indigenous men do not drink alcohol compared with 12% of non-Indigenous men. 
  • 29% to 80% of Indigenous women do not drink alcohol compared with 19% to 25% of non- Indigenous women. 
  • However, of those Indigenous people who do drink, the level of consumption is very high. A survey of Indigenous drinkers in Australia showed that 22% of Indigenous people drink at harmful levels in comparison to 10% of non-Indigenous people. In the Northern Territory, more than two-thirds of Aboriginal male drinkers are classified as binge drinkers.
  • The Aboriginal Independent newspaper  You can also get FACTS from the Australian Bureau of Statistics Indigenous statistics unit.
    Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Commission web site. 
    Malcolm Farnsworth has compiled a very extensive  Guide to the Wik Debate that includes links to the following information: 
    The Northern Land Council's extensive site covers issues relevant to both the Northern Territory and the whole of Australia, information about the history of the Aboriginal flag, Aboriginal rock paintings, book reviews, and the importance of title over the sea.
    Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) Health research ATSI Health Bulletin
    National Native Title Tribunal  
    Info on native title process
    Human Rights Council of Australia
    For a Change
    English Christian magazine covers Reconciliation in depth. 
    • Lead story - Australia - a nation in search of its soul 
    • A people's movement for better relationships
    • Stolen from under the Quandong tree 
    • Profile of Lois O'Donoghue
    • The business of reconciliation 
    • Guest column - Sir William Deane.
    Your link and what it's about:
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