How you can SUPPORT
"If you have come here to help me, you are wasting your time ..."But if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together."
Lilla Watson
A Brisbane based Aboriginal educator and activist.
  This page
    gives you a number of ways in which you can become engaged with the Reconciliation process and support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. However it is important to value support on many levels and the particular skills and networks that individuals bring to the party - this list is not intended as the be all and end all, you can find your own ways to get involved and they are just as valuable.

    Read the 'principles' on the left side then ... 
    Slide the page over to the right side to make it easier to read

does need financial and in-kind support. Send an email for more information or  

send any donations to 

    PO Box 121, 
    NSW 2042 
making any cheques to 'Queers for reconciliation'

Attitude: Redfern 1994 photo by Amanda James
Invasion Day 1998: Aboriginal Statements  



PRINCIPLES* that can be applied to reconciliation initiatives. 

Reconciliation is based on  
listening and  
and having a vision. 

There are few human problems  
without a solution.  
Often the resources  
to deal with a problem  
exist within the community,  
but lie untapped.  
It pays to explore  
the extent of  these resources. 

Indigenous people are equal parties at any negotiating table. 

and local  
provide a foundation  
for people to proceed  
as equals  
and help to end uncertainties  
about land use,  
and other regional issues. 

is found at different levels.  
Some people lead by example.  
Others take initiative,  
or inspire.  
can come from  
elected representatives  
or ordinary citizens. 

Partnerships promote understanding  
and progress towards  
common goals. 

Access to services  
is the right  
of all Australian citizens.  
appropriate services exist  
for one reason or another,  
are not accessed. 

Joint ventures  
yield worthwhile results.  
Indigenous people  
do have business aspirations  
and business acumen. 

Respect for one culture  
results in respect  
for others. 

Jobs must  
be real jobs  
- not token  
or without a future. 

Symbolic gestures,  
such as flying the flags,  
are very important,  
particularly in demonstrating  
a commitment  
to future action. 

helps overcome many obstacles.  
The inspiration  
and power  
of one,  
when it is timely and appropriate,  
readily becomes  
the force of many. 

is an issue for all age groups  
and all sectors of society. 

The facts of history  
be acknowledged.  
The stories must be told.  
Apologies should be offered,  
and forgiveness sought,  
so that the healing process  
can begin. 

Successful co-existence  
leads to  
improved community relations. 

means living in harmony  
and sharing  
all the country's resources.  
It depends on  
respect for people,  
and laws. 

The following  
are some practical considerations  
for starting a reconciliation activity. 
Once you have an idea,  
find out who else may be interested  
and talk through your idea  
with them. 

Talk to  
the coordinator for  
Australians for Reconciliation  
in your State of Territory. 

Don't do things  
for indigenous people  
- do them with them.  
are the way to go. 

Involve people,  
including local indigenous organisations  
and community members.  
The more people  
who have a sense of ownership  
of the reconciliation process,  
the more likely  
that your efforts  
will be enduring. 

community development officers  
at your local government council.  
They probably have ideas  
or resources  
to help you.  
They should be able to advise you  
on sources of funding  
that may tapped for  
future development of your idea. 

Seek to find  
common ground  
between communities,  
government authorities  
and other interests.  
Point out to them  
how much better things would be  
if the reconciliation project  

Keep in touch  
with everyone  
to make sure  
they know what is happening. 

Think carefully  
about the tangible outcome  
you are after.  
Is it a one-off,  
or can it be sustained  
in the long term?  
If your project is a symbolic gesture,  
what can you do  
to ensure ongoing partnerships  
and progress?  

Research your local history.  
What lessons does it have  
for your project? 

When your project yields results,  
make sure they are publicised  
- in the media  
and to other organisations  
which may like to follow  
the example. 

The stumbling blocks  
you may encounter  
are often common to  
reconciliation projects in other areas.  
It is worth talking  
to people who are doing  
similar things. 
 *text from the Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation.

PROTEST to the Australian Government about the Wik legislation and the faliure to apologise to the stolen generation. 

" 'At no stage did Aboriginal civilisation develop substantial buildings, roadways or even a wheeled cart.' Dispossession was bound to happen, he said. 'Those in the guilt industry have to consider that developing cultures and peoples will always overtake relatively stationary cultures'." 

Australia's Deputy Prime Minister, Tim Fisher 
(The Australian 22.6.93, page 8) 

You can find out more about the Wik legislation HERE You can find out more about the 'Stolen generation' HERE
The Human Rights Council of Australia has produced a paper on how and why people from overseas can support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
A Black View of Howard's Way
Here is some information on communicating with officialdom and politicians. Including tips on letter writing. 
Here is some information about exactly how come letter writing is important.
Here is a list of federal politicians e-mail and other addresses
You can FAX John Howard, Australian prime Minister via e-mail.
Free Fax. a site from which you can fax Australian politicians in Victoria, Sydney and the Northern Territory (this includes some federal politicians) over the internet. 
If you want to say something right now you can contact: 
John Howard 
Kim Beazley 
by email.
Here is another list of people to write to - including some Aboriginal people needing letters of support.
Join a mailing list. Keep smack up to date on what's 'really going on'.
Australians for Native Title (WA) now has an email list. 
Subscribe by sending a request to saying in the text 'subscribe antar' then write Your Name 
RecOzNet is an excellent mailing list. 

Subscribe by sending a message to with the subject: saying 'Subscribe' then in the text: 'subscribe recoznet-l'

The Body ShopThe Body Shop is selling a "Stick with Wik" arm band, proceeds going to the Mirimbiak Nations Aboriginal Corporation. Extreme right wing agitators have proclaimed a boycott of this responsible Australian company. Please support them for taking a moral stand. 
You can place an order via IndigiNet or Queers for Reconciliation.
CHECK OUT what the Australians for Native Title and Reconciliation (Antar) is doing in your community
WEBMASTERS!Sorry Ribbon 
Add a graphic to your homepage to show your support.
MORE graphics, flags, banners, animations
Anti-Racist banners
AMP Society members! 
AMP is the largest pastoralist in Australia through subsidiary AMP Stanbroke Pastoral Co. Ask that they reject the government's racist 10 point plan and embrace the co-existence of native title and pastoral lease on pastoral properties.

Read more about 'Who own Australia?'
Write to your community newspaper and contact local radio stations about the site and your support for Reconciliation 
Add the address of this site 
(http://reconciliation. to your e-mail signature/footer
Add this address (http://reconciliation. to your the links/bookmarks on your website
SIGN the online apology to the 'Stolen generation' from the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer identified communities.
Sign the online petition to save the venue for the first Aboriginal civil rights conference, the 1938 'Day of Mourning', from redevelopment.
Send us information on what Reconciliation activites or other actions you want support for so they can be posted on this page 

Your Name:  

Your E-Mail:  

Your activity and how others can support:  

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